Circular of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security: Announcement of publication of PD 48/2024

Circular of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security: Announcement of publication of PD 48/2024
On August 21, 2024, circular number 42996/2024 was issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security under the subject: Announcement of publication of PD 48/2024 (Government Gazette A’ 136/20.08.2024): “Protection of employees from the risks associated with exposure to carcinogens, mutagens or substances toxic to reproduction at work, in line with Directive 2004/37 /EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 29, 2004, as amended by European Parliament and Council directives 2014/27/EU of February 26, 2014, 2017/2398/EU of December 12, 2017, 2019/130/EU of January 16, 2019, 2019/983/EU of June 5, 2019 and 2022/431/EU of March 9, 2022 – Amendment of PD 307/1986 “Protection of the health of employees exposed to certain chemical agents during their work” (A’ 135) and of the PD 338/2001 “Protection of the health and safety of employees at work from risks due to chemical agents” (A’ 227, corrected error. A’ 259)”.
Namely, by virtue of PD 48/2024:
a) the provisions of Directive 2022/431/EU are incorporated into national law and
b) the provisions of national law on the “protection of employees from risks due to their exposure to carcinogens, mutagens, or substances toxic to reproduction at work” are codified in a single text, for reasons of good administration and facilitation both of the citizens as well as the control mechanisms.
This circular also includes a presentation of the structure of the articles of PD 48/2024.
You may find the circular as issued here
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