Circular of e-EFKA: Insurance of members of the Board of directors of société anonyme companies

Circular of e-EFKA: Insurance of members of the Board of directors of société anonyme companies – New electronic service for amending Detailed Periodic Statement (DPS)
On August 30, 2024, the circular No. 31/2024 was issued by the e-EFKA under the subject:
• Retroactive application, from 01.01.2017, of the method of calculating the insurance days of subpar. d’ and e’, of par 3, of article 38, of law 4387/2016 (members of the Boards of Directors of Société Anonyme Companies and Agricultural Cooperatives) as amended by article 34, of law 4670/2020. • New Online Insurance Modification Service.
By the aforementioned circular:
Α. the provisions of article 32 “Method of calculating insurance time for members of boards of directors”, of Law 5006/2022, as well as the clarifying instructions of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, issued by D15/A/82707/19.9.2023 document, are being notified and instructions for their uniform application are being provided.
Namely, by the abovementioned circular it is clarified that the new way of calculating insurance days for the members of the Board of Directors of société-anonyme companies is applicable from 01.01.2017.
Β. a briefing is being made on the availability of a new electronic / online service, which provides the possibility to employers to register the changes, subject to conditions and through a network of rules, to modify the already declared, through DPS, insurance of members of the Board of Directors of Société-Anonyme Companies and Agricultural Cooperatives, in order to adapt to the aforementioned legislative regulations, in terms of the calculation of insurance days, for the salary periods from 01.01.2017 to 30.11.2022.
Namely, the service will be available to employers from Tuesday 03.09.2024, through the e-EFKA website, by using the access codes, which they already have for submitting DPS, via internet.
You may find the circular as issued here.
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